Music - Sectional Cataloguing Reference Guide

Music Acquisition and Cataloguing (MAC) Workflow

Currently the Music Acquisitions and Cataloguing Team (MAC) are only cataloguing/preserving electronic material which accompanies a monograph item containing more than 50% notated music, and/or sheet music which has an accompanying CD. Please see below:What do we Preserve" for guidelines on criteria.

Stand alone CD’s are not covered by Legal Deposit at this stage, however, pending Commonwealth legal deposit legislation, these items can be voluntarily deposited via negotiations with publishers and creators.  Where publications in these formats cannot be obtained on voluntary deposit, or where multiple copies are required, consideration may be given to purchase. Unlike other business units in the Library, MAC will take two copies of Nmt.

Where information contained within a physical format publication also exists in a print version, the Library does not intend to preserve the physical format publication except where additional flexibility of use is provided by the electronic version.  Where both online and physical formation versions of a publication are available, the Library prefers to preserve the online version.  Where there are significant differences between the versions, both or all will be preserved. (as stated in ‘Preserving Australian physical format electronic publications – selection guidelines’ NLA Web)

When an item is electronically preserved, it is the information content that will be preserved rather than the actual physical item.  The physical item will be retained and housed in the appropriate stack location with other physical format materials i.e. MUS Nmt run

Workflow guideline

The following is a workflow guideline for the Music Acquisitions and Cataloguing Unit.  The Prometheus ‘Workflow Guide’  should be consulted for more detailed user instructions in addition to other functions of the Digital Preservation Workbench such as transferring jobs and capturing non-optical media, such as USB drives.

Standard procedure will be to preserve the digital material at the same time it is being catalogued  i.e. we will not stockpile Nmt material for preserving at a later date.


Material with an accompanying disc

Where there is an accompanying disc - Catalogue the printed music (monograph) as you would normally and add the following fields:

300  1 score (5 p.) ; 30 cm. + CD-ROM

If the disc contains sound files only (i.e. .WAV) then
300 $a 1 score (5p.); $c 30cm. + $e 1 sound disc (digital : 4 3/4 in.)

538  System details

The standard minimum system requirements note would be “System requirements: PC/Mac with CD-ROM drive, standard web browser.

However, check item information for any other requirements needed to run the program.

This note can be as basic as “DVD player or similar”

 Please refer to the Prometheus – User’s Guide for more examples of System Details and File Formats for what is often found on software packaging, technical specifications or Installation notes.


Enter the System Details and File Format information as an Annotation to a Job’s Part within Prometheus.

If the content of the CD is available on the internet a 538 and 856 Marc tag should be added to the record to indicate this

530 - - $a Audio files also available on the internet, address as at xx/xx/xxxx (date), http://www. etc

856 4 - $u http://www. etc


Log into Prometheus

Firefox is the recommended web browser to use.

  • Enter the Bib. ID for the item

  • Preview details

  • Click on down arrow against the choose holdings box

  • Select MUS Nmt line (as we would only preserve the disc once and not attach it to the NL holding)?

  • Check for existing jobs

  • Message displays – No jobs exists ...

In the enter name of new job box - type or copy and paste the title and subtitle (removing GMD and delimiters) of the item from the 245 field of the bib record

  • Create new job

  • Add media

In the enter name of part box, name the part as it appears on the physical disc. If there are multiple discs with the same title, add Disc 1 of x  to the Title to clearly and uniquely identify these separate digital objects.  If there is more than one disc and each disc has its own unique title, there is no reason to give the disc a number. See Naming Conventions for Job and Part naming guidelines.

Add notes and metadata to part

  • Select system details from the drop down list and add/copy and paste the 538 tag from the bib record (PC/MAC with CD-ROM drive or whichever is appropriate for the item), click save.

  • Click on Add notes and metadata to part again and select File format from the drop down list and enter the file type (eg. Wav. ; pdf)

  • Click Save, edit, choose type (selectappropriate carrier, save, capture

Timing Notes:

Initializing ; a pop up window of file types will display which can be closed ; imaging (can take up to 10 minutes) ; copying (approx. 2 minutes) ; completed ; pending (approx 2 minutes) ; analysing (approximately 2 minutes) ; completed.

If this takes some time – click on the refresh button on the toolbar (two arrows in a circular motion)

  • When all the Parts have been added and the Annotations of File Formats and System Details have been added for Digital Preservation and checked against the Captured Files, the job can be finalised by clicking on the Mark entire job complete button

  • A confirmation dialogue box will appear and click on Mark complete button to finalise the job by submitting it to the digital repository’s Ingest Service.


Complete catalogue record and add new holdings line (Voyager)

When preservation is completed, the bib record and holdings need to be completed.

  • Add 583 tag to the bib record if not already present. 583  - - $a Digital content preserved $5 ANL

  • Add new holdings record (in addition to existing Nmt holding holding for the physical item in the stacks) – but no item record is needed. 852  8 - $b PRU $h Digital preservation master

Ensure other (physical) holdings lines have been completed i.e. Physical Nmt holding and NLmt if there is one.

852 8 - $b MUSICMIXED $k MUS Nmt $h 785.466 $i A132

866 - 0 $z N + CD (for sound disc) or 

866 - 0 $z N + CD-ROM (for non-sound disc)

End processing

Place the disc into a jewel case, if one has not been provided.

Attach a call number label to the front of the jewel case in the bottom left corner as well as the monograph/music

Affix Prometheus Ingested sticker to the spine of the case to indicate that it has been digitally preserved in Prometheus.

Prometheus Ingested Sticker

Place in a plastic bag and send to Music Stack

Write DP on the call number label of the CD/DVD case to indicate that it has been digitally preserved.

System Details


Minimum requirements for Sibelius 5 alone:

Windows XP SP2 32-bit or Windows Vista 32-bit, 512MB+ RAM, 350MB hard disk space, DVD-ROM drive

You must be running at least Windows XP Service Pack 2 to install and run Sibelius 5. If you have Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.x, you need to purchase an upgrade to a more recent version of the Windows operating system.


Minimum requirements for Sibelius 5 alone:

Mac OS X 10.4.9 or later or Mac OS X 10.5, 512MB+ RAM, 350MB hard disk space, DVD-ROM drive.

Sibelius 5 is a Universal application, which means that it runs on both older Macs with PowerPC processors and new Macs with Intel processors.

If you are running a version of Mac OS X earlier than Mac OS X 10.4, you cannot install and run Sibelius. You may want to upgrade Mac OS X now, although this normally incurs an upgrade fee. See for details.


File Formats

.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Document

Stores test, images, sound and video in an openly documented file format which can be accessed by various software applications including free pdf reader applications.

.SAR - Sibelius Arrange Style

Stores musical arrangements used by Sibelius music notation software; allows songs with similar styles to be composed from the same basic configuration; may include instruments, track configurations, meter, tempo, and other settings.

Sibelius 5

Sibelius formated content will be ingested into Prometheus in the form of a PDF of the musical score rather than the full original Sibelius file format.

Naming Conventions

When uniquely identifying Parts of a Job, please use the title which is printed on the CD/DVD case in preference to what is on the actual CD/DVD.



Uniquely name each Part as it appears on the physical media label

    Example for single disc:

     Chord Voicings for Composers, Arrangers, Songwriters and Pianist or

                        Solo piano 2

                        Drumming Steps

                        Vocalise for Choir and Audio Track

If there are multiple discs with the same title, please also add Disc 1 of x, to clearly and uniquely identify these separate digital objects.

    Example for multiple discs with same title such as Phantom Groove name the parts (Note: In this example the actual disc tiltle includes CD x):

            Phantom Groove CD 1 of 3

            Phantom Groove, CD 2 of 3

            Phantom Groove, CD 3 of 3

NOTE: If there is more than one disc and each disc has its own title then there would be no reason to give the disc a number at all.

Do's and Don'ts Reminder


  • Carefully remove the physical media from it’s holder. When accessing optical media use supplied release mechanisms and try not to flex or bend the disc too much.

  • Check the condition of the physical media before using it and clean if necessary.

  • Ensure that each Part is uniquely named and that the naming matches that of the original physical media carrier.

  • Ensure Preservation information is entered for each Part in the form of ile Formats and System Details.

  • Conduct a final QA checklist before marking the job complete and submitting it the digital repository’s Ingest Service.


  • DO NOT select the ‘Digital preservation master’ holdings record for any association within the Prometheus Digital Preservation Workbench. This does not provide any linkage to the Prometheus database and it is simply a generic note within the Voyager system to indicate that one or more holdings have been ingested into Prometheus system.

What do we preserve?

Digital preservation guidelines - draft   


This is to facilitate discussion while we're developing guidelines for selecting materials to preserve. Brad and Wan looked at a number of CD-ROMs and disks in the Music Nmt run and came to the following preliminary principles:

 Types of material to preserve:

  1. Pedagogical material integral to the item (e.g. CDs and disks for the CPM keyboard series)

  2. Material that illustrates and enhances the content (e.g. Refinement of rhythm : a practical guide with supporting CDs for learning to   perform increasing challenging rhythms)

  3. Recordings of special events (e.g. Melbourne Arts Festival): likely to be unpublished materials

Types of materials not preserved:

  1. Backing tracks, for song books, etc. (e.g. Kylie Minogue songbook)

 2. Recordings of music playing (e.g. a bonus CD for a collection of piano music)

 3. If the item's only reason for being in the Nmt run is being published or distributed in Australia and the content or authorship is not  related to Australia (e.g. Queen, a songbook for the band)

   4. PDF version of the printed music

Please note the majority of materials in the Nmt run are sound discs which have not been looked at. Nor have current intake materials. As more materials are looked at the guidelines can be refined.

Associated Policies

Items being collected and preserved should meet the selection criteria as set out in the NLA Collection Development Policy.



The document ‘Preserving Australian physical format electronic publications – Selection guidelines’ is also recommended reading and is available at

NOTE: Individual collection areas may have additional selection for digital preservation guidelines.

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