Australian Serials - Sectional Cataloguing Reference Guide


Guidelines for the preservation of CD-ROMs and DVDs were revised in January 2006. Before this date if a CDROM was selected all were selected for High Priority preservation.

In recognition of the work involved and resource intensive nature of preserving electronic materials, and acknowledging that this is still an area of development, only items deemed to be of a significant research value will now be selected for preservation.

These guidelines apply to:

  • all Australian physical format electronic material, except material collected by Maps and Manuscripts.

  • Physical format material whether it accompanies print material or not

  • Both monograph and serial publications

  • Hybrid publications that have both physical format and Internet components.

When the material arrives the APS6’s will make a decision as to what preservation, if any, the material is assigned using the guidelines that were devised.

If it has been decided to preserve the material a  900 tag  is added to the bibliographic record. 

ie. 900   |aSelected for preservation.

Accessioning CD-ROMs, computer disks


CD/DVD optical discs without accompanying print serial (8.6.1)

1. Serials in CD/DVD optical disc  format with no evidence that the issues will cumulate with each successive disk.

This category will have no special instructions on the SCKI check-in record.

Route: 1) Electronic Preservation  (if  required)  2) Shelves (e.g. put in the box S Nmt steel cabinet drawer).

2. Cumulative loose-leaf titles on CD/DVD optical discs 

This category includes Butterworths and other legal material where each new CD/DVD optical disc supersedes the previous CD/DVD optical disc. For this category there will be instructions on the Voyager component saying that the holding is to be amended to show the latest date only and that the superseded disk is to be destroyed or returned to ASEU.

  • Do NOT route to Electronic Preservation.

  • Fill out the yellow “Updated CD-ROM/floppy disk” form and circle the Stacks action required. 

  • Send to Stacks at S Nmt number. Put disk with form in S Nmt steel cabinet drawer in the box labelled ‘For the shelves’.


CD/disks with accompanying print serial (8.6.2)

Any CD/DVD optical disc that is received with the print and is an important part of the issue, it should be assigned an S Nmt number [ie. if it has not already been assigned an S Nmt number]. Disk has to be removed and put in a CD jewel case with labels and appropriate call numbers. Any adhesive should be carefully removed as well.  Any CD-ROMs selected for discard with a Serials component can to be sent to ?.  Please include a note in the Voyager component to this effect.

An S Nmt location was given to a few early computer magazine titles with accompanying demo disks (eg Australian PC user, Australian playstation).  For these titles, both the hard copy and the disk will continue to be sent to S Nmt.  There should be a note in the copy record in this circumstance.

If unsure whether material should be discarded, check with supervisor. 

CD-ROMS that are an exact equivalent of the hard copy


CD-ROMS that are an exact equivalent of the hard copy are to be removed from the hard copy and discarded (see below for exceptions). Any adhesive should be carefully removed as well.  Discarded discs are to be placed in the discard tub on the bottom discard shelf by the window.

Send any CD-ROMs with a serial component that are selected for discard to ? with a note explaining that the CD-ROM is a discard from Australian Serials.  Add a Voyager component note on the hard copy record about the routing of the CD-ROM.

Material which already has an S Nmt number:

  • Process the electronic material (disk, CD-ROM) and the print serial as follows: 
  • For the electronic material, attach a silver-backed label and use the rubber stamp provided and complete the following information:

Disk for:



Held at:


Note: If material is on a floppy disk which does not come in its own box, use a pencil or Artline 700 to add the call number and issue no. of the print title which the disk accompanies to the disk label & place the disk/s in a zip plastic bag. If there is no room on the disk label use a silver-backed label and send it with the disk.

  • Label the print material with a silver-backed label, use the second rubber stamp and add the S Nmt number. Attach the label to the bottom left hand corner of the front cover of the serial.


Accompanying disk held at

           S Nmt



  • Disks will need a separate purchase order record.  If there is not one, create one (see 8.5). See the following example for the types of notes that may be necessary for both the hard copy record and the disk record. 
  • Do not separate the material, route both print and electronic to shelves or 1) Analytics 2) Shelves.
  • For serial items that consist of a paper-based item (e.g. Magazine) and a disc, please place the disc in a suitable jewel case and put both items into a snap-lock sleeve if they are going to the same location so they are not separated and send to stacks. If they are going to different locations put the CD-ROM in the cardboard box in the steel cabinet drawer and the stacks staff will place the serial discs into polypropylene boxes already housing other items for that particular serial.

If material has not yet been given an S Nmt number:

  • Do another holding on Voyager cataloguing for CD-ROM, eg


852  1#|bAUSQ|kNq|h796.358|iAUS|xNo. 1 (1991)-
852  8#|bMIXEDMEDIA|hS Nmt 248 |xNo. 1 (1991)-


  • Label material as outlined above.
  • Route material (electronic & print) to Shelves or 1) Analytics 2) Shelves. (See instructions above)

CD-ROMs accompanied by User Manual, Quick reference booklet or print abstract.

Some CD-ROMs are accompanied by print material (e.g. a User Manual) which forms an integral part of the CD-ROM title. Catalogue as the CD-ROM, e.g. do not catalogue each component separately.

Special routing:

Process materials according to the categories above, then route as directed in the processing notes


Do not put in the S Nmt drawer. Put both the print and electronic on the Analytics shelf. Make routing 1) Analytics 2) Shelves.


Do not put in the S Nmt drawer.  Put both the print and electronic (in a plastic bag if necessary) on the respective shelves. Make routing 1) APAIS 2) Shelves.

RR and RF

Refer materials to Australian Serial Orders.

Workflow guideline

The following is a draft workflow guideline for the Australian Serials unit.  The Prometheus ‘Workflow Guide’  should be consulted for more detailed user instructions in addition to other functions of the Digital Preservation Workbench such as transferring jobs and capturing non-optical media, such as USB flash memory drives.

Standard procedure will be to preserve the digital material at the same time it is being catalogued  i.e. we will not stockpile Nmt material for preserving at a later date.


Log into Prometheus

Using your favourite web browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox).

  • Log into the system using your NLA logon name and password

  • On the My Jobs page, click on the create or find a job to create a new job

  • In the pop-up dialog box, enter the Bib. ID for the collection item

  • Preview the details

  • Click on down arrow against the choose holdings box

  • Select S Nmt line 

  • Check for existing jobs

  • Message displays – No jobs exists ...

In the enter name of new Job box - type or copy and paste the title and subtitle (removing GMD and delimiters) of the item from the 245 field of the bib record

In the enter name of Part box, name the Part as it appears on the physical media (disc, drive, etc.). If there are multiple media discs with the same title, add Disc 1 of x  to the Title to clearly and uniquely identify these separate digital object Parts.  If there is more than one disc and each disc has its own unique title, there is no reason to give the disc a number.

Add notes and metadata to part

  • Select System details from the drop down list and add/copy and paste the 538 tag from the bib record (PC/MAC with CD-ROM drive or whichever is appropriate for the item), click Save.

  • Click on Add notes and metadata to part again and select File format from the drop down list and enter the file type (e.g. wav; pdf; vob; jpg; jpeg; ePub, mp3; etc.) click Save

  • Choose the media type (select the appropriate carrier) such as CD/DVD for optical discs or File for a single PDF or eBook file. Note: these latter single files must be save to the user's local hard drive (if delivered via e-mail) prior selecting for ingest into Prometheus. The User's computer 'D' drive is an easy temporary option.

  • Click Capture to initiate the workflow. 

Timing Notes:

Initializing; a pop up window of file types will display which can be closed; imaging (can take up to 10 minutes); copying (approx. 2 minutes); completed; pending (approx 2 minutes); analysing (approximately 2 minutes to several hours depending on the amount and type of the content); completed.

If this takes some time – click on the refresh button on the toolbar (two arrows in a circular motion)

  • When all the Parts have been added and the Annotations of File Formats and System Details have been added for Digital Preservation and checked against the Captured Files, the job can be finalised by clicking on the Mark entire job complete button

  • A confirmation dialogue box will appear and click on Mark complete button to finalise the job by submitting it to the digital repository’s Ingest Service.


Complete catalogue record and add new holdings line (Voyager)

When preservation is completed, the bib record and holdings need to be completed.

  • Add 583 tag to the bib record if not already present. 583  - - a Digital content preserved 5 ANL

  • Add new holdings record (in addition to existing Nmt holding for the physical item in the stacks) – but no item record is needed. 852  8 - b PRU h Digital preservation master

  • Remove 900 tag on the bib record if it is still displayed. 900 - - a Selected for preservation

If an item is part of a monographic series record, preserve it to the monographic record only.

In a series record:

  • Add 583 tag to the bib record if not already present. 583 - - a Digital content preserved on individual monographic records for this series 5 ANL

  • Add a non-public note (866 'x') onto the exisiting electronic serial holdings record (S Nmt holding). 866  -  0  x Individual titles in this series are archived on Prometheus. Prometheus holdings are attached to monograph records

End processing

  • Place the disc into a jewel case, if one has not been provided.

  • Affix Prometheus Ingested Sticker to the spine of the case to indicate that it has been digitally preserved in Prometheus.


Prometheus Ingested sticker


  • Send to Stacks

Do's and Don'ts Reminder


  • Carefully remove the physical media from it’s holder. When accessing optical media use supplied release mechanisms and try not to flex or bend the disc too much.

  • Check the condition of the physical media before using it and clean if necessary.

  • Ensure that each Part is uniquely named and that the naming matches that of the original physical media carrier.

  • Ensure Preservation information is entered for each Part in the form of ile Formats and System Details.

  • Conduct a final QA checklist before marking the job complete and submitting it the digital repository’s Ingest Service.


  • DO NOT select the ‘Digital preservation master’ holdings record for any association within the Prometheus Digital Preservation Workbench. This does not provide any linkage to the Prometheus database and it is simply a generic note within the Voyager system to indicate that one or more holdings have been ingested into Prometheus system.


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