Getting Set up

Access & Navigation


Download Content


Creating Jobs

Adding Parts





Add To Job

Capturing Non-Optical Media

USB or Hard Drive

Single File

Floppy Disk

Error Mesages

Transfer Job


Prometheus - Workflow

1 - Getting Set up

As noted above, one needs to be a registered user to add content or update information along with having some additional equipment added to the standard NLA Standard Operating Environment (SOE) workstation. To become a registered user please email the IT Service Desk. For installation of the Digital Preservation hardware, software and training please contact Digital Preservation on x1366/x1365.

Each collection area has requested a specific number of Digital Preservation mini jukeboxes - MyBorgs and associated computer PCI cards. These jukeboxes can be shared within a collection area if all the various users have had the Digital Preservation hardware (computer PCI card) and software installed upon their workstation. This process usually takes about 30 minutes.

Once the hardware and software components have been installed, and one is registered as a system user, via the IT Helpdesk, then enter the following web address into your Internet Explorer or Firefox web browser.

Direct your browser to and press ENTER to go the DPW Home Page. A web version of this user guide is available on the site via the "Help" link in the top upper right corner. 


  • Please note that some functionality only works in Internet Explorer (e.g. single file ingest) 

  • Please TURN ON the mini-jukebox BEFORE turning on your computer, to enable the computer to recognise the existence of its drives (alternatively log off and then back on).

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2 – Access & Navigation of the system

Step 2.1

Go to and click on the Login button in the upper right corner of the user interface (highlighted in red rectangle).


Step 2.2

Use your 'standard' NLA username and password with which you normally login to your computer, this will automatically enable access to the DPW system for registered users. If you have not been registered for access to the Prometheus system, please contact your supervisor.

Note: After logging in the Login button in the upper right corner turns to a Logout button to enable logging out of the system when you’re finished.

Step 2.3 Searching for Jobs

The Search dialogue box (upper right corner) enables users to search on all jobs including older ones by:

  • Job Name

  • Part Name

  • Part Annotations

  • Catalogue Bibliographic Number

  • Catalogue Title

  • Original Arrangement (within Prometheus) and Annotations


Step 2.4 Creating or Reviewing Jobs

  • Create a new Job by clicking on the green Create or Find Job button

  • Open an existing Job by clicking on the underlined Job Name.

  • Preview the Parts of a Job by clicking on the small triangle to the left of the Job Name


Step 2.5 Navigation within a Job




Link/Button Name




digital preservation workbench

Returns the user to their My Jobs page


My Jobs

Returns the user to their My Jobs page [button does not exist then the user has been timed/logged out]


My Jobs

Returns the user to their My Jobs page [button does not exist then the user has been timed/logged out]



Returns the user to the Media view when in the Browse Captured Files view.


Browse Captured Files

Takes the user to the Returns the Browse Captured Files view to see or print folder and file listing [Manifest].


Delete Job

Enables the user to cancel and delete the job


Job Details

Toggles the view of the Job Details tab


Bibliographic Information

Toggles the view of the Bibliographic Information tab


Copyright Information

Toggles the view of the Copyright Information tab


Notes and Metadata

Toggles the view of the notes and Metadata tab


blue pointer (blue trianglar pointer)

Toggles the viewing of a Part’s Annotations – notes & metadata lines



Enables editing of the Part Name or selection of Media Type


Add notes & metadata

Adds an Annotation line to the Part


Mark Part as Stub

Marks a Part that is unavailable or unprocessible as a Stub to  record its presence in the original arrangement


Delete part

Deletes the part but not the Job


Edit Delete

Edit the Part Annotation or Delete the Part Annotation


Scroll bar

Enables scrolling to view additional Notes, metadata and Annotations


Scroll bar

Enables scrolling to view additional Parts and Annotations OR scrolling to to additional Bibliographic Information



back to top

3 - Jobs

This will bring you into the My Jobs screen, of the 'Workbench', where one is able to view all one's recent jobs be they Assigned, Working or Finished. It is here also that one can Create or Find Jobs and view the 'manifests' of the content contained upon specific media associated with a ‘completed’ job.

Here users can also review how they work with the jobs that have been assigned to them or created by themselves. From this tab they can see the status of their jobs overall, and enter into a particular job for further review or editing.

Assigned Jobs are ones that have been either transferred or assigned to the currently logged in user by another user.

Working Jobs are jobs that the user has started working on by either creating a new Job, adding associations, notes and metadata, adding Parts or ingest physical media carriers associated with Parts to an existing job.

Finished Jobs are the most recent jobs which have been marked 'completed' by the user. If more recently completed jobs exist they can be reviewed by clicking on See All recent Jobs button which is only visible if more jobs exist than can be displayed.

Note: For further information on navigating within Prometheus please see see Navigation section above.

The My Jobs workbench screen also contains the following Job summary information:

  • Status - details for currently in progress or completed Jobs

  • Priority and Date - details for currently in progress Jobs. (Jobs are sorted to have the most recent date at the top of each section.) Jobs that have been assigned or created as High Priority have a Yellow Star on their left hand side. 

  • Only the 5 most recent Jobs are visible in any one Job category. Provides a link to see All recent Jobs in a specific Job category.

  • For the ability to view a particular Job’s Details, click on the pointer  blue pointer  to the left of the Job's Name to show it's details; click on it again     to hide the Job’s Details.

  • Jobs can be transferred to another user or to the Digital Preservation unit for uncommon or problematic media arriers. The user can delete either a Job, or Part of a Job at any time before the job is ‘Marked completed’.

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4 - Searching in Prometheus



The Search dialogue box (upper right corner) enables users to search on all jobs including older ones by:

  • Job Name

  • Part Name

  • Part Annotations

  • Catalogue Bibliographic Number

  • Catalogue Title

  • Original Arrangement (within Prometheus) and Annotations

The Search results are displayed within the standard workbench view, where upon one views a job, with its associated parts, annotations, manifest(s) and status viewable by clicking on the job name.

Downloading Content from Prometheus (BETA)

This new feature enables the user to request one or more Parts (from one or more Jobs) to be copied for distribution to a user workstation for example those in a reading room.

  • find the Job and required Part within the Prometheus Job

  • expand the Part details to locate the Part PI as illustrated below   e.g. nla.dp-n382524

  • copy the Part PI or make a note of the number

  • open a new browser tab for the DCM Bulk File Stager and Downloader Tool or click on the following link to open a new tab -

  • Step 1 - follow the directions on the page, by pasting or typing the Part PI(s) into the Step 1 text box using a new line for each Part PI..

    Step 1

  • Step 2 - select the Agent Working Directory 'digipres' which narrows to search to only stored Prometheus material.

    DCM Downloader tool

  • Step 3 - select the copy type, 'master' for content and rm to get the only the technical metadata listing

  • click on the Submit Query button

  • after a short period of time, at the bottom of the page, the files (and the location they have been copied to) will be displayed. Note: some particularly large files may take some time longer to copy.

    download location



To locate the downloaded material, enter or cut and paste the following URL into your Windows Explorer  \\doss\digipres\temp\  to open the download location within Windows Explorer.


Which in turn will look like this:


Note: carefully select the file you require as others may also have downloaded material to this exact same location. The files will remain there for X days.

  •  Clicking on the desired file in your web browser, will trigger a pop-up window offering you the option to either open the downloaded file using WinZip or save the file  to your browsers default download location, from which you can copy the files to another location. On Windows 7, this is usually the Downloads folder in the Upper lefthand pane of Windows Expolorer.

  • you will need to 'unzip' or extract' the individual files from the zip file using an application such as WinZip found in your Local Disk (C): > Program Files > WinZip.

  • if the original content was either a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM, then once the Zip file is 'unzipped' you will need to save the contents to your computer's D drive for 'mounting'. The following link will briefly explain the disc mounting tool - WinCDEmu. [temporary instructions]

NOTE: Downloading of the -c co-master results in all files will have been renamed with their repositpory assigned PI and until they can be remapped to their original names on output a StructMap/FileSec decoder sheet will be required.

Hence, downloading the -m master file will result in receiving a 'zipped' copy of the original media (a bin file for CDs and an img file for DVDs). Therefore by using a extraction or decompression program all the original file sysytem, folders and files will be mounted with itheir original names via tools such as WinCDEmu, ISOBuster, IZArc, etc.

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5 - Creating a new Job or Finding an existing Job  

Creating a Job

Creating a new Job automatically assigns the Job to the current user.

Step 5.1

Click on the 'Create or Find Job' button to either create a new Job or to check first whether an unfinished one for a specific Bibliographic ID number has already been made. Enter the Voyager Bibliographic ID number and click on the Preview Details button.

Step 5.2

The system returns an updated view of this pop-up dialogue box displaying confirmation Voyager information details for the requested Bibliographic ID number to enable confirmation that the correct Catalogue record has been located.

Step 5.3

The Holdings are accessed via a drop-down list which enables the user to create a relationship between the physical media carrier(s) being ingested into Prometheus to a specific physical holdings record relating to the Catalogue (Voyager) record. The physical media carrier(s) for a specific Holdings record therefore become Parts within a Prometheus Job. Therefore all the Parts of a Job should be part of the appropriate corresponding physical holdings record within the Catalogue record.

By establishing these relationships within Prometheus, the user builds the relationship paths required the future long term access and the discovery of these digital collection items.

Select the appropriate Holdings record by clicking on and selecting from the drop-down list.


  • If the item has been delivered electronically and therefore has no associated physical media carrier and consequentially no physical holdings record, then and only then select the Default Digital Holding option.

  • This also assumes that during the creation of the Catalogue record a physical holding record was also created for the physical copy of the digital media carrier (as per the standard cataloguing procedures).


Step 5.4

If the Bibliographic record returned is not the anticipated record click on the Start Again button to cross check another Bibliographic record number or click Cancel to return to the Jobs Workbench.

Step 5.5

Once the user is satisfied with the correct Bibliographic record number and the correct associated Holdings record then they can then proceed to Check for Existing Jobs button and click to see if there are any current incomplete Jobs existing for that catalogue record.

If there are no existing Jobs enter the Catalogue record’s Title as the Job’s name.

The green Create New Job button will then become visibly green and active, click on it to complete the creation of the Job.


Step 5.6

If one or more incomplete Jobs do exist a decision will have to be made as to whether:

  • the user wants to add additional physical media parts to an existing job or

  • create a completely new Job

If the user wishes to add additional media to an existing Job click on the blue Add to this Job button.

Alternatively, if the user wishes to create an entirely new Job, with the currently selected associated Holdings record, enter the Job’s Bibliographic record Title in the new job name text box. This will activate and make visible the green Create New Job button, click on this button to create a new job with its associated holdings record relationship.

Note: If after Cutting and Pasting a name for the new job, the faint Create New Job button does not become visiblly green and active. Use the arrow keys, or provide some other keyboard input to register with the system that you have finished 'typing' in the job name. .


Step 5.7

Once the job has been created you still have the option to Rename or Edit its Title via clicking on the Rename link next to the Job's Title.


Step 5.8

Once the job has been created you still have the option to change the associated Catalogue Bibliographic record ID (and associated holdings) by clicking on the Change catalogue record link on the Bibliographic Information Tab. Likewise the associated holdings can also be changed via the Change holdings link also on the bibliographic Tab.



Digital Holding Persistent Identifier

Note: the Prometheus Persistent Identifier for this job’s Digital Object within Prometheus is also displayed within the Holdings section on the Bibliographic Tab.

In this example, it is nla.dp-n11845. This unique identifier can be used to provide a future access link to a related Digital Preservation master holdings record.


Change Catalogue Record


Change associated Holdings Record

Step 5.9

Once a Job has been created, its’ prioty status can also be set to High, Medium or Low priority. This is useful when one is creating Jobs for someone else to complete in a specific order. It enables the prioritisation of Assigned Jobs only and has no effect on the processing priority within the Prometheus Workbench.

NOTE: This does not indicate in any way the “preservation level” of the job’s Parts.



Step 5.10

Once a Job has been created the next step is to create as many parts and their associated annotations as there are carrier items within the specified Holdings record. The following Section 6 covers adding Parts.

Note: At anytime one can check on the Copyright Information for a Bibliographic record by clicking on the Copyright Information tab on the upper right side to access information from the Rights Management System.

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6 - Add a Part 

A Part is one physical media component of a Holding. For example, if the Holding contains one or more physical media containing digital content, then each physical media (CD-ROM, Floppy Disk, etc.) item is a separate Part. Each Part in turn should have a different and unique Name. Each Part should also have different System Details or File Format Annotations.

* All the Parts must be part of only one Holdings record *

If the physical media are part of a different Holdings record, then they will need to be part of different job associated to that specific Bibliographic and Holdings record combination.

Step 6.1

To add a Part to a Job, click on the green Add media button.

Step 6.2

This will add a Part line item to the Job.

Step 6.3

Enter the Name of the Part which should correspond to the unique name, title or other identifying information on the physical media itself entered in proper Title Case or formatted as displayed upon the media itself.

    Then click the Save button which will have now become fully visible.



        Census Data 2008, Disc 1 of 2

        First Year in Higher Education Conference 2008

        West Tanami - 2008 update

Note: Unlike the Job title, once a Part's media carrier has been processed, the name of the Part can no longer be changed.

For further examples please see your collection area's Naming Conventions within the Cataloguing Procedures section.

Annotate a Part - PLEASE! (see section 7.1 Annotate a Part)

Annotate a Part with Digital Preservation information such as System details & File Format and other relevent documentation information and discoverable search terms.

Step 6.4

The next step is the selection of the Media Type, this will enable the association of a specific physical media type and its corresponding workstation Drive Letter location to be found and recorded for use by the Prometheus Imaging Service.

Click on the green Edit button to initiate the selection process.

Then, select Choose Type (under the Media Type column).

This will bring up the Media pop-up window.

Step 6.5

This pop-up window displays the 'common' media types registered within the Mediapedia database of physical media carriers and their associated risk and access information. In this example, optical media - CD-ROM/DVD-ROM was selected but for further information in capturing non-Optical Media, please refer to Section 9 Capturing Non-Optical Media.

Click on the icon of the media that is to be ingested into the system.

Step 6.6

After the user is satisfied with the media type which appears in the Part line item click on the green Save button to save these details. The Status will change to "Ready" and the green Capture button will appear..

Step 6.7

Clicking on the green Capture button will start a script to search your computer to locate the appropriate drive for the system to ingest that type of media format. These options are displayed as illustrated for optical media. For other media types please refer to Section 9 Capturing Non-Optical Media. 

Step 6.8

Select a drive by clicking on the blue button for CD-ROMs & DVD-ROMs, [in this example] this will actuate the opening of the selected disc drive tray for the insertion of the optical media disc.



But, rather than closing the tray by hand, PLEASE click on the Close button, which appears in the following dialogue, to not only close the drive tray, but also start the Prometheus imaging process.

Note: Clicking on the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM icon will locate not only the drive located within the standard SOE workstation but also those found within the Prometheus mini-jukebox. Due to transfer speeds, error rate and the low quality of the internal optical media drives within the NLA SOE workstation, they SHOULD NOT be used for ingesting media into the Prometheus system. Please select one of the available drives within the jukebox (usually W or X).     

Note: Shortly after insertion of the media, a Windows Auto Play dialogue box may appear. Click CANCEL to dismiss this Windows system generated intrusion.

Step 6.9

The Status of the Part will then change from:

"Ready" to "Initialising"

to "Imaging"


to "Copying"

to "Pending"

to "Analysing"


to "Completed"


The green progress bar will appear and give an indication of the percentage of the progress for most processes on the users workstation. But after the media has been copied successfully to the Prometheus server, press F5 to refresh the displayed Status during Pending and Analysing stages, eventually finishing in a "Completed" Status. Once the Status has changed to Analysing the manifest of Browse Captures Files can be viewed, saved and printed.


To view the manifest of the 'imaged' media click on the Browse Captured Files tab (next to the Media tab).

 This will display a Windows Explorer-like representation of the contents of the media.

A scroll bar will appear on the right side to enable scrolling to see the entire listing. Directories can be collapsed or expanded by clicking on the plus "+" or minus "-" icons.

A 'printout' or a 'saved copy' can be made by clicking on the blue Print file list button. This will generate a standard PDF file which should be automatically opened within Adobe Reader on the user's workstation. The user then has the options to either to print and/or save it.

Remove media carrier from drive and return it to it's case. Affix Prometheus Ingested Sricke ro spine of case to indicate that it has beeb digitally preserved in Prometheus.

Prometheus Ingested Sticker

Step 6.10

Return to the Job's Parts view by clicking on the Media tab where one can add another part, check and update File Format and System Details Annotations or if Quality Assurance (QA) for the job has been completed it can then be ‘marked’ for final completion and submission to the NLA's Digital Repository Ingest Service.

NOTE: Before clicking on the Mark Entire Job Complete button, PLEASE do a quick Quality Assurance check and review your multiple data entries, especially the Annotations for File Formats and System Details. The Browse Captured Files review may enable you to add key additional File Format information to support long term access to this content.

To finalise a job and thus ‘mark’ it as 'Completed'; click on the Mark Entire Job Complete button to initiate the final step of submitting the job to the Digital repository’s Ingest Service.

After clicking on the Mark Entire Job Complete button, a confirmation dialogue box will appear, click on Mark Complete button to finalise the job.

The Job's Status will change to 'Submitted' and the user is returnedto the My Jobs screen.. This indicates that the job has been transferred to the NLA's Digital Repository Ingest Service for transfer to its final managed digital mass storage location within the repository (DOSS).

NOTE: Once a job has been MARKED as complete, the job is locked and no further editing of Titles, Parts or Annotations can take place. The Job will then move from the Working section of your DPW workbench to the Finished section.

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7 - Annotations  

Annotations allow users to append additional information to a job or a part. This information can provide further digital preservation, documentation information and discoverable searchable information.

7.1 Annotate a Part

To annotate a Part with Digital Preservation information, documentation information and discoverable search terms.

7.1.1        Click on the small pointer to the left of a Part's Name. 

7.1.2        This will expand the Part's dialogue box as illustrated below.

7.1.3      Click on the blue Add notes & Metadata to part button to display the annotation text box with a drop-down list as illustrated, right with the complete list extended.


Select a field type, such as System Details, and enter the text appropriate to that field type.


System details/ requirements are NOT automatically written from Voyager (only displayed) and must be added manually to the Parts Add notes & metadata annotations.

To assist with digital preservation of the Part, PLEASE annotate the Ssystem Details and File Format details for each physical media Part. 

  • If this information has already been entered in Voyager, you should be available to cut and paste from within the Bibliographic Information tab (usually in MARC field #538 sometimes in #500).  If the System Details (requirements) have not been added to the Voyager record or reflect only the requirements for a much earlier holding, please add them to both Voyager and Prometheus records.

  • Files Formats can be viewed via Windows Explorer or once ingested from the Browse Capture Files.

Annotations Complete

Note: Often Holdings contain different types of media and hence this information may be different from Part to Part.

Please see Helps - System Details page for sample System Details/Requirements.

Repeat this step to add multiple annotations which may include Finding Aid and Location information.

7.1.4       Save the annotation by clicking on the green Save button, this returns one to the Part details view where multiple additional annotations or location information can be added as required.

NOTE: Any annotations, Notes & metadata can either be edited or deleted via the Edit and Delete links to the right of a specific annotation.

7.1.5      Click on the green Add notes & Metadata to part button to display the annotation text box with a drop-down list as illustrated, right with the complete list extended.

7.1.6      Click on the red Mark Part as Stub button to display the annotation text box.

Mark as a Stub

If capturing a Part is unsuccessful due to issues of reading or unavailability of the legacy physical format media. One is able to record that failure of the physical carrier within it's Part, as a Stub. 

This enables documenting that the Part existed within a series. The user will then be prompted to enter a reason.

document stub reason

Note: When one un-stubs a Part it will need to be recaptured before being able to mark the Job complete as the original content has been deleted when making it a stub. If the material is still not processable the Job will not be able to be Marked Completed.

7.2 Annotate a Job

7.2.1 Select the Notes & Metadata tab while viewing a Job's details.

7.2.2 Click on the Add notes & metadata to job button to display the annotation text box with a drop-down list as illustrated below with the complete list extend.

Select a field type and enter the text appropriate to that field type.

Repeat this step to add multiple annotations which could include Finding Aid and Location related information.




7.2.3        Save the annotation by clicking on the green Save button, this returns one to the Part details view where multiple additional annotations or location information can be added if desired.

7.2.4        Any Notes or annotated metadata can also be either edited or deleted via the Edit and Delete links to the right of a specific note metadata entry.


NOTE:  Digital Preservation annotations for System Details and File Format should be done for each part not for the job.

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8 - Add to this Job 

Step 8.1

Having selected the Add to this Job button within the Create or Find Job dialogue pop-ups, moves the user to the Parts section screen of the selected Job. [reference Section 6 – Add a Part Pg. 11]


Step 8.2

To add an additional Part to the job, click on the Add media button and follow the same processes as when creating a job [reference Section 5 - Creating a new Job or Finding an existing Job].

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9 - Capturing non-Optical Media  

As seen in the Select Media Type dialogue box, the DPW is also able to capture digital content on External Hard drives, USB drives/cards, single files and for some users 3 ½" Floppy Disks [not installed on Standard mini-jukeboxes but available as a 'loan' USB device].

 Select Media dialogue

9.1 External Hard Drive / USB drive / Media card

9.1.1 Attach or plug in the External Hard Drive / USB drive / Media card to the SOE workstation, before clicking on the External Hard Disk or USB icon.


9.1.2 Click on the Add media button to add a new Part line item to the Job.

9.1.3 Give the Part a name and click the green Save button. Annotate the Part with System Details and File format information, saving each in turn. Please see Section 7.1 - Annotate a Part.

To select the External Hard Drive / USB drive / Media card Media type, click on the green Edit button and then click on the blue media type icon button to select the appropriate media type. Click the green Save button.


Select Media dialogue



9.1.4 The green Capture button will then appear, clicking on this will start a script to search your computer to locate the appropriate drive for the system to ingest that type of media format. The system will analyse what USB drive devices are attached to your workstation. These options are displayed as illustrated.

9.1.5  The suitable, and available, drive letters will be returned within the Capture Media dialogue box for selection. In this example, the inserted USB thumb drive has shown up as drive Letter 'F:'.

If this is the correct USB/HardDrive Drive Letter, then click on this green Drive letter button to initiate capturing the USB/Hard Drive contents.

9.1.6   The Status of the Part will then change from "Ready" to "Initialising" to "Imaging" to "Copying" to "Pending" to "Analysing". The green progress bar will appear and give an indication of the percentage of the progress for most processes on the users workstation. But after the media has been copied successfully to the Prometheus server, press F5 to refresh the displayed Status during Pending and Analysing stages, eventually finishing in a "Completed" Status. Once the Status has changed to Analysing the manifest of Browse Captures Files can be viewed, saved and printed.

Please see Section 6.10 - Mark Job Complete

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9.2   A Single File  

Note: This procedure will only work when using Windows Internet Explorer! [not Firefox]

Individual files such as an e-mail file or an e-mail attachment can be ingested into the system using the media type ‘file’.

9.2.1 Click on the Add media button to add a Part line item to the Job.

9.2.2 Give the Part a unique name which clearly identifies it and then click the green Save button. Annotate the Part with System Details and File format information, saving each in turn.

To select a File Media type, click on the green Edit button and click on the blue choose File type of media button to select the file icon. Click the green Save button.

Select Media dialogue

9.2.3 The green Capture button will then appear, clicking on this will pop-up the Capture File dialogue. Clicking on the blue Browse button will enable the user to 'browse'  the workstation's drives and attached drives to navigate to the location of the file and select the file to be ingested into the system.

(Note: Future enhancements scheduled for Version 2 of the DPW application may allow the selection of a folder of files for ingest.)




9.2.4  Once the file has been located the green Capture button will become visible, then click on the green Capture button to ingest the file.

Note: This procedure will only work when using Windows Internet Explorer! [not Firefox]

9.2.5  The Status of the Part will then change from "Ready" to "Initialising" to "Imaging" to "Copying" to "Pending" to "Analysing". If the file is relatively small the progress bar will appear to stop at "Initialising". Simply press F5 to refresh the displayed Status during Pending and Analysing stages, (which again may go quickly for small files) eventually finishing in a "Completed" Status. Once the Status has changed to Analysing the manifest of Browse Captures Files can be viewed, saved and printed.

Please see Section 6.10 - Mark Job Complete

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9.3   A Floppy Disk (3.5 Inch) [Manuscripts and Backlog Project Only]

9.3.1 Firstly, Insert the Floppy Disk into the 3.5" floppy drive within the mini-jukebox or external USB Floppy Disk Drive to enable Windows to 'detect' its presence.

9.3.2 Click on the Add Media button to add a Part line item to the Job.

9.3.3 Give the Part a name and click the green Save button. Annotate the Part with System Details and File format information, saving each in turn.

To select the media type, click on the green Edit button and click on the blue Choose Type of media button and select the Floppy Disk (3.5 Inch) media icon. Click the green Save button.



9.3.4 The green Capture button will then appear, clicking on this will start a script to search your computer to locate the floppy drive(s) for the system to ingest from. 

Note: Often when using USB connected floppy drives, the Floppy Disk must be inserted in the drive for the drive to be initially detected by Windows.

The system will then analyse what USB drive devices are attached to your workstation. In this example, the floppy drive appears as the green drive A:, Media Inserted button as illustrated below. In this instance, it has the annotation that media has already been inserted and is ready for capture, alternatively if it has not been inserted it may appear as a blue Drive A:, Empty, Drive is available button – insert Floppy disk.

9.3.5 Clicking on the drive A:, Media Inserted button will start the imaging process.

9.3.6 The Status of the Part will then change from "Ready" to "Initialising" to "Imaging" to "Copying" to "Pending" to "Analysing". The green progress bar will appear and give an indication of the percentage of the progress for most processes on the users workstation. But after the media has been copied successfully to the Prometheus server, press F5 to refresh the displayed Status during Pending and Analysing stages, eventually finishing in a "Completed" Status. Once the Status has changed to Analysing the manifest of Browse Captures Files can be viewed, saved and printed.

Please see Section 6.10 - Mark Job Complete

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9.4   Adding an Image [Digital Preservation Only]

This functionality is available when a user has had difficulty 'imaging' some form of physical media and has transferred the Job to DigiPres. Therefore, there is usually an existing Job and associated Part. 

Note: This procedure will only work when using Windows Internet Explorer!

9.4.1 Logon as per normal, select the Part required and then click the edit link to enable re-selecting the Media Type.

9.4.2 Click on the Choose Type button to activate the Select Media Type pop-up.




9.4.3 Click on the appropriate Media Type button to select the appropriate disc image type. For CD-ROMs this is .TOC & >BIN image files, for DVD-ROMS this is .IMG images and Block images made from other .IMG images of other media types.

9.4.4 Click on the green Save button to record your selection. 

9.4.5 Importantly, make a note of the Part's PI and rename the disc image to be selected to have same filename as the Part's PI, as this is the filename(s) it will be expecting to locate. e.g. nla.dp-n200844.img



9.4.6 Click on the green Capture button to bring up the browse dialogue box to locate and select the image file(s). As per single files you will have to select the filename twice to get it to appear in the Capture File dialogue pop-up.

9.4.7 When all files are registered within the Capture File dialogue pop-up, click the green Capture button to initiate the copying of the image to the server where upon the analysis stage will start.

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10 - Error Messages 

There are a number of instances where you may receive an Error message from the system. More specific error  information can be found on the Prometheus Help - Error Message section. 

In the previous version of Prometheus you simply got a red coloured Error, but with the release of version 1.3.0, we have enabled the Error message as a hyperlink so that upon clicking on it, one is provided with a pop-up dialogue box with a more meaningful message, containing information about the exact cause of the error and what sorts of actions can be taken. 

Copying Error Message

Upon receceiving one of these messages, the user has several options:

  • if it is simply related to selecting the wrong drive, clicking on the green Restart button may be suffuicient to recover from that error.

  • if the error relates to a Prometheus web service or a hardware issue, then this may entail contacting the appropriate section via IT Service Desk, on Our Web (selecting Digital Preservation as the Service Group), to either report an incident ticket for the service giving the error to be investigated, restarted or to log a hardware incident ticket. This allows the issue to be acted upon, tracked and escalated.

Recovering from an Error Message

If a Prometheus web service had been unavailable, but has subsequently been restarted, the user can also restart the original task that gave the error. To do so, again click on the Error message, then click on the green Restart button.

For further more detailed descriptions of Error Messages and appropriate actions, please follow this link to the Prometheus Help - Error Message section. 

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11 - Transferring a Job   

There are a number of instances where you may need to transfer a job to another person registered to use the system;

  • you are have unfinished jobs, and are going on leave, or

  • have a media that is not able to be ingested into the Standard mini jukebox,  

  • a media type that results in an error message from which you have not been able to restart from;


Copying Error Message

In the first instance, a Job can be transferred to another colleague for completion or in the latter two cases to Digital Preservation for further investigation.

Besides transferring the job to the other person’s job queue, an e-mail alert is also sent to the nominated party of the transfer. 

Note: If the media for a Part has not yet been ingested and copied from the users workstation to the Prometheus web service the physical media carrier will also need to  be transferred to the recipient.

Step 11.1

Navigate to the job you wish to transfer within My Jobs, click on the selected one to view it's details.




Step 11.2            

Within the Job’s details view, click on the Jobs Details tab for the Job if it is not automatically displayed.

Step 11.3            

Within the Owner section, click on the Transfer Job link.



Step 11.4            

After a very long pause, while querying the User Management system, the following pop-up Transfer Job dialogue window will appear.

Step 11.5            

Select the person [or the case of transferring it to the Digital Preservation team please select 'digipres'] who you wish to transfer the job to, from the drop-down list and click on their name to select them.

Tip: Pressing the character for the first letter of the person’s first name will move the selection to the first instance within the listing (which is alphabetically sorted on first names). Additionally, navigation can be obtained using the scroll bar before clicking on the appropriate name.



Step 11.6            

Under the Add a Note section, enter a brief description of the job's progress, error or other reason for the transfer.

Then click the green Transfer button to send the job and its associated email notification, as per the example below. The user will also receive a copy of the e-mail.

Jobs Transferred to Digital Preservation:

When the Job is transferred back to you for final quality assurance and for Marking Job Complete, it should contain further details about any Action Taken by Digital Preservation and the final Outcome of those actions.

Example E-mail Message

*** This is an automated message generated by Prometheus ***

The following job has been assigned to you by 'delford'

Job ID:
Bib ID:
Holding ID:
Nmt 10053
Job Name:
South Australian newspaper obituaries 1836-1900


Part Name Media Type Status
South Australian newspaper obituaries 1836-1900 CD Completed


Transfer Notes:
Hello Patty, I have successfully completed this job for you and am transferring it back to you for QA [quality assurance] and then if your happy with it you can "Mark this job complete". The other job is to follow shortly too [I hope]
Action taken:
test under different computer log-on permissions
successfully copied to DOSS, hence new user did not have correct DOSS permissions assigned.

Please go to Prometheus to view the job.

For assistance, please contact the Digital Preservation Helpdesk.

Transfers to
Digital Preservation

If you are transferring a job to Digital Preservation which has caused errors, please retain the physical media for further investigation before transferring the Job within Prometheus to the 'digipres' user to enable Digital Preservation to work on it as well as notifying the Digital Preservation team.

11 - Training

Should you wish to register for require initial training or refresher training for using the Prometheus Digital Preservation Workbench please make your request through the IT Service Desk and selecting Digital Preservation as the Service Group. 

NLA Serice Desk


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