media access errors
processing errors
workflow service errors

Prometheus - Error Messages    DRAFT 

- if you do not see your error here, please help me capture it, to document and provide on-going support!

ERROR recording and reporting:

If you receive an ERROR message while processing materials within Promtheus!


With the release of Prometheus
version 1.3.0, the system will alert the user to various errors that they may encounter while processing material for longer term storage and access.

The errors generally fall into three categories:

  1. those that relate to accessing the media to be processed,

  2. those that relate to processing the content on the users local machine before sending that to the Prometheus Workflow Service on the network and

  3. those that relate to processing errors encountered within the Prometheus Workflow Service

In Prometheus version 1.3, the ERROR status message is now a hyperlink and upon clicking upon it  will display a pop-up dialogue window detailing the cause of the error along with a suggested actions that user can take to rectify the problem.

After taking those actions, the user can then return to the error message pop-up window and click the green Restart


If the actions taken were successful, this will enable Prometheus to restart the task which had previously given the error and progress that task to its completion.

The points that one can recover from an error and proceed are:

•    re-capturing the media on the user’s computer,

•    recovering from errors caused during the copying of the content from the user’s computer to Prometheus Service on the network,

•    errors within the workflow on the Prometheus Service,

•    errors with file analysis on the Prometheus Service and

•    errors when Prometheus transfers the content to the Digital Object Storage System (DOSS) for its long term storage and access.

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1) Media access errors

These errors may relate to the system not being able to find the media which you wish to ingest into the workflow.

Media Capture Error

You may receive a Java language exception error, when trying to capture data using the computer's internal drive.

java.lang.NullPointerException error


An error may appear if you have not started the Prometheus Java application service, which should have a shortcut from the computer desktop, prior to running Prometheus through the web browser. This will only appear at the stage where you try to capture data from a physical format carrier (such as a CD or DVD).


  • Ensure that the Java service is running prior to starting up the Prometheus web browser service (by clicking on the Prometheus shortcut on the computer desktop).

  • If this shortcut does not appear, then you should be able to locate the shortcut in the location D:\digipres-socket-service, or if it is not available here, or you require assistance, please request for this shortcut to be recreated for you.

Jukebox Drive  Error 

For example, it may not be able to locate the Prometheus jukebox's DVD-ROM drives.

No Floppy Drive Found


An error generated by failure to detect a DVD-ROM Drive [usually drive W or X] within the Prometheus Jukebox.


  • Ensure that the Jukebox is powered up by check both the power switches [one on the rear and the other switch on the front]. Then go to Windows Explorer and check to see if the W & X drives have been recognised by the computer.

  • Once the computer recognises the drive you can then retry the Capture task within Prometheus.

error detail

or similar for a

Floppy Disk Error    


An error generated by the failure to detect a user's Floppy Disk Drive [usually drive A or B].

Often when inserting the floppy disk, the System does not detect its presence or it may conflict with an exisiting Drive Mapping within Windows.


  • Go to Windows Explorer, locate the Floppy Drive A or B and click on it to view the files contained upon it and

    establish a connection within Windows Explorer to the Floppy Disk.
  • Once the computer recognises the drive you can then retry the Capture task within Prometheus.

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2) Carrier processing and communication errors with Prometheus

Imaging Error


An error generated by failure to read a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM disc inserted within the Prometheus Jukebox. When imaging (copying) a physical media carrier one may encounter an error and the imaging process stops without completion. There may be a number of reasons for this error, simply a dirty optical disc or an improper loading within the mechanical drive.


Click on the 'ERROR' hyperlink to trigger a pop-up message for further information about the exact cause of the error and any suggested actions.

  • Firstly, check the media to is if there is an obvious fault such as dirt, fingerprints, scratches or a damaged media carrier.  

  • Possibly try using the other DVD-ROM drive within the Jukebox or try accessing its content via Windows Explorer.

  • Once the computer recognises the drive you can then retry the Capture task within Prometheus.

  • Try to image (copying) the media again and if after a second failure it may be necessary to transfer the media carrier and the Job to Digital Preservation. Workflow Section 11.

error detail

Failed Imaging Service error

Copying Error   


An error  generated by the failure to copy the 'disc image' (a single file bundle containing all the medis's content)  from the users computer to the network server.


Click on the 'ERROR' hyperlink to trigger a pop-up message for further information about the cause of the error and any suggested actions.

  • Click the Restart button to restart the copy process.

  • This may have been caused by a network error or possibly shutting computer down before the transfer has been completed. To avoid similar errors in the future, instead of shutting down your computer simply lock it over night to ensure that the local processing can be finalised and the content copied to the Prometheus Workflow Service. Image filled CD-ROMs and DVDs are transferred as a massive single file which takes longer than lots of little files.Another possible cause would be that the files cannot be written to the server. This would entail logging this error with Digital Preservation to enable them to check that you permisions for writing to the server are still valid or whether there is still sufficient temporary storage space on the server.

copying error click restart

Cannot Locate or Copy files

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3) Workflow and Prometheus Services errors

Most of these errors relate to issues involve issues with Prometheus accessing the media content for processing or that some fault has occured in one of the many services involved within the Prometheus Workflow.

Job Summary Level - Errors

An indication of an error within a Job is visible at the My Jobs view level. It indicates that there was an error on one or more Parts within that job. Double-click on the Job's Title to go to that Job and view its Parts.

 The Part in error will also have an error status and upon clicking upon it  will display a pop-up dialogue window detailing the cause of the error along with a suggested actions that user can take to rectify the problem.

error link

Job Summary Error Detail

Part Summary Level - Errors

[insert image of Part error level]

job retrieval error


Unable to locate Job on server.


The job is not accessible for some reason or the reference is from an older link to a Job that has been moved or deleted.

User interface artefacts


Multiple buttons.


The user interface has not refreshed correctly and hence the exisiting buttons appear in multiples per Part. Returning to the My Jobs screen or logging out and then back should correct the issue if one does not simply ignore it.

Low Density  Double Density (DD) Floppy Disk Error    


An error generated by failure to 'mount' a Macintosh 800 Kb, Commadore 170 Kb or 340 Kb  floppy disks.


This does not mean that the disks are empty or corrupted, only that Prometheus is unable to display these types of formatted disks. Please contact Digital Preservation for generation of the 'disk images' [using legacy drives] and their attachment to your pre-exisitng part(s). 

[update image]

800 KB Mac disk error

Copying Error   
interupted copying error 

Workflow Error    
Workflow error

Unpack Error    
unpacking error

failled on upacking error

Analysis Error  


Ingest Error    
job error on ingest 1

job error on ingest 2


Upon marking a Job complete, the Job is transferred to the long-term managed storage system. Along the way each file is checked to ensure it is correctly copied and verified. If a file cannot be read or it appears to be corrupted an error is generated the process will be stopped. 

Another reason for such an error is that the Ingest service is not available due to a server outage or shutdown (planned or otherwise). Contacting the Service Desk with this error message will register a request to check and possibly restart the Ingest Service. Upon its return to service a reply from the service desk will notify the user that they can Restart the ingest task from the error message dialogue.

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