

Materials Preparation

Prometheus Workflow




Documentation Finalisation

Summary Steps

System Details

File Formats



Do's & Don'ts


Maps - Sectional Cataloguing Reference Guide


Map Acquisition and Cataloguing Workflow

Currently the Map Acquisitions and Cataloguing Team are only cataloguing/preserving electronic materials which are selected by Division 2 map staff.  Stand alone CD’s are not covered by Legal Deposit at this stage, however, pending Commonwealth legal deposit legislation, these items can be voluntarily deposited via negotiations with publishers and creators.  Where publications in these formats cannot be obtained on voluntary deposit, or where multiple copies are required, consideration may be given to purchase.  If 2 copies of an electronic item is received copy 1 will always be selected for preservation.

Where information contained within a physical format publication also exists in a print version, the Library does not intend to preserve the physical format publication except where additional flexibility of use is provided by the electronic version.  Where both online and physical formation versions of a publication are available, the Library prefers to preserve the online version.  Where there are significant differences between the versions, both or all will be preserved. (as stated in ‘Preserving Australian physical format electronic publications – selection guidelines’ NLA Web)

When an item is electronically preserved, it is the information content that will be preserved rather than the actual physical item.  The physical item will be retained and housed in the appropriate stack location with other physical format materials i.e. MAP Nmt run.

Workflow guideline

The following is a workflow guideline for the Map Acquisitions and Cataloguing Unit.  The Prometheus ‘User Guide’ (available through Prometheus) should be consulted for more detailed user instructions in addition to other functions of the workbench such as transferring jobs and capturing non-optical media such as USB drives.

Standard procedure will be to preserve the digital material at the same time it is being catalogued  i.e. we will not stockpile Nmt material for preserving at a later date.

Material with an accompanying disc

Where there is an accompanying disc - Catalogue the printed map (monograph) as you would normally and add the following fields:

300  1 map : col. ; 24 x 30 cm. + CD-ROM

538  System details

The standard minimum system requirements note would be “System requirements: PC/Mac with CD-ROM drive, standard web browser.”  

However, check item information for any other requirements needed to run the program.

Please refer to the Prometheus – User’s Guide for more examples of System Details and File Formats for what is often found on software packaging, technical specifications or Installation notes.

Enter the System Details and File Format information as an Annotation to a Job’s Part within Prometheus.

If the content of the disc is available on the internet a 538 and 856 Marc tag should be added to the record to indicate this

530 - - $a Selected digital files also available on the internet, address as at xx/xx/xxxx (date), http://www. etc

856 4 - $u http://www. etc

Step by Step Guide

1.      Log into Voyager

2.      Log into Prometheus
Internet Explorer or Firefox 2 are the recommended web browsers to use (as  the Interface breaks in Firefox 3)

3.      Find the relevant item in Voyager

a.       Check that system requirement notes are in the 538 field. If not there, then add them to the record in Voyager.

b.      Open the holding for the item that is going to be archived (if there are two holdings always select copy 1)
If there is a collection level record and items are also individually catalogued select the collection level record to archive
eg. 1:250 000 geological map series explanatory notes [ electronic resource] : [Northern Territory] VN 3698289

4.      Go into Prometheus

5.      Create or find job

6.      Enter the Bib. ID for the item

7.      Preview details and check that system details are correct

8.      Click on drop down menu and select the choose holdings box

9.      Select the correct MAP Nmt line

10.  Select Check for existing jobs (Message displays – No jobs exists)

NOTE: If one or more Jobs do exist for a catalogue record a decision will have to be made as to whether to:

 A:  the user wants to add additional physical media parts to an existing job [as in the case of the Australian Map titles below]


B:   create a completely new Job [as in the case of overseas titles below]

If the user wishes to add additional media to an existing Job click on the blue Add to this Job button.

11.  Add job name in the Enter name of new job box. The job name will depend on what type of maps or information is in the electronic item.  

For Australian items use these titles only:

  • Australian aerial photos
  • Australian atlases
  • Australian cadastral maps
  • Australian gazetteers
  • Australian geochronology
  • Australian geological maps and explanatory notes
  • Australian hydrographic charts
  • Australian mineral occurrence database
  • Australian parish maps
  • Australian remote-sensing maps
  • Australian topographic maps
  • Australian travel guide maps

NOTE: If your electronic item does not cover the above types notify your supervisor who will add more titles.

For overseas titles use the title as it appears in the 245 of the Voyager record (both title and subtitle)  For example:

  • Atlas coelestis  : la cartografia celeste dal 1500 al 1850

12.  Click on Create new job

13.  Click on Add media

14.  In the Enter name of part box, name the part for both overseas and Australian items as it appears in the 245$a of the Voyager record + edition or volume or date of publication + no. of disc (if multiple discs) e.g.

  • GeoMAP. Version 2009 (Disc 1 of 3)
  • Limbunya, Northern Territory (2005)

      If there are multiple physical parts with the same title, add Disc 1 of x for example,  to clearly identify these separate digital objects.  If there is more than one disc and each disc has its own unique title, there is no reason to give the disc a number.

      For overseas items the title as it appears in the 245 will be used for both the Enter name of new job box and the Enter name of part box (+ edition or volume or date of publication + no. of disc) e.g.

  • Atlas coelestis  : la cartografia celeste dal 1500 al 1850 (1980)
    • Click on Save

Add notes and metadata to the part  

 NOTE:  Any system details as seen on the Bibliographic tab reside only in Voyager  not Prometheus! They have been displayed there to make it easier to verify the correct record and to enable users access to an easy cut and paste option for transferring of the File Format and System Details from Voyager into Prometheus.

    • first click on the Bibliographic tab, and pause while the screen refreshes. Then expand the Part information by clicking on the Part's name (or the little triangle to it's left) to reveal the Add notes and metadata to part option section, to enable adding System Details and File Format information.

    • Click on the green Add notes and metadata to part button, and 

    • Select System Details from the drop down list, and then by copying and pasting the 538 tag information from the displayed Voyager bib record (PC/MAC with CD-ROM drive or whichever is appropriate for the item) into the text box, click save

    • Click on the green Add notes and metadata to part button again, and then

    • Select File format from the drop down list and 

    • enter the file type(s)  (eg. SID, SHP, PDF, etc.)

    • Click save

15.  Click on Edit > then Choose Type (to select correct icon for the Part's media carrier type) eg. CD/DVD-ROM, External Hard Disk or USB, File (single) or Floppy Disk (3 1/2"). Note: For collection material supplied on USB  Flash/Thumb drives please refer to the  Workflow section 9 - Capturing non-Optical Media  for the procedure to select the USB flash memory drive. All contents of the USB Flash Memory Drive will be copied into Prometheus.

16.  Save > Capture

17.  Select appropriate CD/DVD drive and insert electronic item into the mini juke box for optical discs. For USB flash memory drives use the Browse function to navigate to the USB flash drive location on your computer. Note: Occasionally USB flash drives may be 'hidden' by exisiting mappings of NLA network drives. Should this occur please contact the Digital Preservation Helpdesk for assistance. 

18.  Close

19.  Status will display as ‘Initialising’.  Allow system to copy and status reads ‘Complete’.
If this takes some time – click on the refresh button on the toolbar (two arrows in a circular motion) to reload current page

Timing Notes:

Initializing; a pop up window of file types will display which can be closed; imaging (can take up to 10 minutes); copying (approx. 2 minutes); completed; pending (approx 2 minutes); analysing (approximately ? minutes); completed.

Stub - If a Part is unsuccessfully processed 

If a Part fails to process correctly, an error will be flagged and the user is given the option to Restart the process.  The ERROR status text message is a hyperlink and upon clicking upon it will display a pop-up dialogue window detailing the cause of the error along with suggested actions that user can take to rectify the problem. It also offers the user the option to Restart the task.

After taking those actions, the user can then return to the error message pop-up window and click the green Restart button. If the actions taken were successful, this will enable Prometheus to restart the task which had previously given the error and progress that task to its completion.

The points that one can recover from an error and proceed are:

•    re-capturing the media on the user’s computer,

•    recovering from errors caused during the copying of the content from the user’s computer to Prometheus Service on the network,

•    errors within the workflow on the Prometheus Service,

•    errors with file analysis on the Prometheus Service and

•    errors when Prometheus transfers the content to the Digital Object Storage System (DOSS) for its long term storage and access.

If this course of action still fails to rectify the situation, there are two other options. 

•   Record the DPW failure error for a a physical carrier within it's Part,  as a Stub. Click on the title of the Part, as per Annotation, and select 'Mark Part as a Stub. You will be prompted to enter a reason. To un-stub a part, click on 'Unstub Part'; or

•   Transfer the Job to Digital Preservation [digipres] along with the physical media.

Mark a part as a stub - recorded info

This removes the media content from the Part and thereby enables progressing the remainder of the Job to completion. The failed Part can then be attempted again as a separate Job but allowing all the other Parts of the original Job to be successfully ingested in the interim.

Note: Should one 'un-stub' a Part, it will need to be recaptured before being able to mark the Job complete as the original content has been deleted when making it a stub. If the material is still not processable the Job will not be able to be Marked Completed.

20.  When all parts have been added, uploaded, analyised and prepared for storage, the Mark entire job complete button will become visible

21. Review all the Parts and their associated System Details and File Format metadata annotations. These annotations will often be different for each Part.  See Figure 5.

22. Then 'finalise' the job by clicking on Mark entire job complete button, a confirmation dialogue box will appear and click again on Mark complete button to confirm submission of the job to the digital repository’s Ingest Service.

If archiving retrospectively lot groupings of electronic items, eg. Parish maps or serials you can leave the job open briefly until the collection is completed.

Complete catalogue record and add new holdings line (Voyager)

23.  When preservation is completed, the bib record and holdings need to updated to be complete.

24.  Add 583 tag to the bib record if not already present. 583  - - $a Digital content preserved $5 ANL

25.  Add new holdings record (in addition to existing Nmt holding for the physical item in the stacks) – but no item record is needed. 852  8 - $b PRU $h Digital preservation master

End processing

26.  Place the disc into a Preservation supplied CD case, if one has not been provided.

27.  Attach a call number label to the front of the CD case in the bottom left corner

28. Affix Prometheus Ingested sticker to the spine of the case to indicate that it has been digitally preserved in Prometheus.

Prometheus Ingested Sticker

Figure 1: 'Prometheus Ingested' sticker

MAP Naming Conventions

When uniquely identifying Parts of a Job, please use Title Case:

Name the part as it appears in the 245$a of the Voyager record + edition or volume or date of publication + no. of disc (if multiple discs) eg.

GeoMAP. Version 2009 (Disc 1 of 3)

Limbunya, Northern Territory (2005)

If there are multiple discs with the same title, add Disc 1 of x,  to clearly identify these separate digital objects.  If there is more than one disc and each disc has its own unique title, there is no reason to give the disc a number.



Voyager screen shot 1

Figure 2: Example of Voyager record and associated Holdings

Voyager screen shot 2

Figure 3: Example of Voyager record and associated Holdings

Prometheus screen shot 1

Figure 4a: Prometheus Job with three Parts

Job with it's three Parts expanded

Figure 4b: Prometheus Job with three expanded Parts

Multi part example

Figure 5: Promenteus Job with Multiple Parts per holding, expanded to illustrate Part PIs and associated Annotations

If there are multiple discs with the same title, please also add Disc 1 of x, to clearly and uniquely identify these separate digital objects.

Above an example of multiple disc with same title: East Yilgarn, 1:100000 series 2006 Update, Disc 1 of 2

NOTEIf there is more than one disc and each disc has its own unique title, there is no reason to give the disc a number.

part of set example

Figure 6: Individually catalogued Bibliographic Collection Item which is part of a published set

Even though there is more than one disc in the series and each disc has its own bibliographic title, each part requires the disc sequence number as in this case it is the only uniquely identifiable component of the disc’s label.

Popular GIS file formats

Raster formats

  • ADRG - National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)'s ARC Digitized Raster Graphics

  • BIL - Band Interleaved by Line (image format linked with satellite derived imagery)

  • CADRG - National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)'s Compressed ARC Digitised Raster Graphics (nominal compression of 55:1 over ADRG)

  • CIB - National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)'s Controlled Image Base (type of Raster Product Format)

  • Digital raster graphic (DRG) - digital scan of a paper USGS topographic map

  • ECW - Enhanced Compressed Wavelet (from ERMapper). A compressed wavelet format, often lossy.

  • ESRI grid - binary and ASCII raster formats used by ESRI

  • GeoTIFF - TIFF variant enriched with GIS relevant metadata

  • IMG - ERDAS IMAGINE image file format

  • JPG/JPEG - A compressed [lossy] image file format.

  • JPEG2000 - Open-source raster format. A compressed format, allows both lossy and lossless compression.

  • MrSID - Multi-Resolution Seamless Image Database (by Lizardtech). A compressed wavelet format, often lossy.

Vector formats

  • Geography Markup Language (GML) - XML based open standard (by OpenGIS) for GIS data exchange

  • DXF - Contour elevation plots in AutoCAD DXF format

  • Shapefile - ESRI's open, hybrid vector data format using SHP, SHX and DBF files

  • Simple Features - Open Geospatial Consortium specification for vector data

  • MapInfo TAB format - MapInfo's vector data format using TAB, DAT, ID and MAP files

  • National Transfer Format (NTF) - National Transfer Format (mostly used by the UK Ordnance Survey)

  • TIGER - Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing

  • Cartesian coordinate system (XYZ) - Simple point cloud

  • Vector Product Format - National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)'s format of vectored data for large geographic databases.

  • GeoMedia - Intergraph's Microsoft Access based format for spatial vector storage.

  • ISFC - Intergraph's MicroStation based CAD solution attaching vector elements to a relational Microsoft Access database

  • Personal Geodatabase - ESRI's closed, integrated vector data storage strategy using Microsoft's Access MDB format

  • File Geodatabase - ESRI's geodatabase format, stored as folders in a file system.

  • Coverage - ESRI's closed, hybrid vector data storage strategy. Legacy ArcGIS Workstation / ArcInfo format with reduced support in ArcGIS Desktop lineup

Grid formats (for elevation)

  • USGS DEM - The USGS' Digital Elevation Model

  • DTED - National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)'s Digital Terrain Elevation Data [Digital Terrain Models – DTM]

  • GTOPO30 - Large complete Earth elevation model at 30 arc seconds

  • SDTS - The USGS' successor to DEM

Other formats

  • Binary Terrain - The Virtual Terrain Project's Binary Terrain format

  • Well-known text (WKT) – ASCII spatial projection description (ESRI uses a *.prj extension)

  • Well-known binary (WKB) - Binary spatial projection description

What do we preserve?

Items being collected and preserved should meet the selection criteria as set out in the NLA Collection Development Policy.


The document ‘Preserving Australian physical format electronic publications – Selection guidelines’ is also recommended reading and is available at

NOTE: Individual collection areas may have additional selection for digital preservation guidelines.

Do's and Don'ts Reminder


  • Carefully remove the physical media from it’s holder. When accessing optical media use supplied release mechanisms and try not to flex or bend the disc too much.

  • Check the condition of the physical media before using it and clean if necessary.

  • Ensure that each Part is uniquely named and that the naming matches that of the original physical media carrier.

  • Ensure Preservation information is entered for each Part in the form of ile Formats and System Details.

  • Conduct a final QA checklist before marking the job complete and submitting it the digital repository’s Ingest Service.


  • DO NOT select the ‘Digital preservation master’ holdings record for any association within the Prometheus Digital Preservation Workbench. This does not provide any linkage to the Prometheus database and it is simply a generic note within the Voyager system to indicate that one or more holdings have been ingested into Prometheus system.

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