Getting Started | Cataloguing | Data Dictionary | Searching | Team


Step 4.1

VERSION 1.2 (online view)

The Mediapedia Home page contains a brief summary about the project’s goals and includes a link to the Information page on the NLA site.



Step 4.2

There are two Search options available, Search and Advanced Search.

Search is a basic search across Holotypes and Variants upon the physical descriptors, assumed genre or labelled name.

Advanced Search is a search across Holotypes and Variants containing the above descriptors but also includes the ability to search most of the more technical documentation fields which are displayed when the user browses to an individual item record.


search fields

Basic Search screen


search contains

Part of Advanced Search screen


Search Summary for Carriers for Holotypes

The Search dialogue box (upper right corner) enables users to search on all jobs including older ones by:

Searching Variants Catalogue only

Searching the Variants records will return only Variants and their Holotype ID number.