The Digital Preservation
Workbench (DPW)
allows Library staff to associate Digital Preservation holdings to
Catalogue Bibliographic records in a semi-automated, scalable process
which includes transferring data from physical carriers [e.g. CD-ROMs
and DVD-ROMs] to the Digital Preservation area of the NLA's digital
mass storage system, helping to mitigate the major risks associated
with the physical carriers: deterioration of the media and obsolescence
of the technology required to access them for collection items.
Preservation Workbench
information for a work includes:
Bibliographic Record number
Copyright status
Associated physical Holdings number
Notes and Metadata, Part Name,
Part Annotations and Arrangements
carrier identification information
Manifest from Captured Files
Digital Preservation metadata
DPW is accessed by logging in to the Digital
Preservation Workbench (DPW). You can search for Jobs and
associated catalogue records in DPW as usual, and view their Status
information by clicking on the 'My Jobs' tab.
In the current version of the DPW, you can
view Jobs and
their associated information only for Holdings that have been proposed
or ingested into the DPW. In later versions, you will be able
view existing arrangements of the information for the digital holding
and created/edit new arrangements for them within the DPW.
The Prometheus Digital Preservation
Workbench is an internal
system, only accessible to Library staff. All Library staff
view information in DPW but to add content or update information, you
need to be a 'registered user' and associated to a collection business
unit. To process material in Prometheus you also require the
installation of some additional software. If you do not have this
access, or would like to have the software installed you will need to
contact Digital Preservation via the Service Desk.
All additional inquires and requests for assistance can also
be lodged through the Service Desk.
Select Digital
Collecting Support as the Service Group!
At the top of
the hierarchy is the Bibliographic record for an item. There
may be multiple physical holdings records associated with the
collection item including books, journals, digital media carriers,
The conceptual
framework for Prometheus is that the user is creating an archive copy
of a the Holding’s digital component.
A Call Number
for a Bibliographic record may contain one or more digital media
carriers as items within the one Holding record.
Each of those
individual digital carrier items become a 'Part' within the Prometheus
Job. Such as floppy disks, PDFs, DVDs, etc.
stores all these archive copies on the NLA's Digital Object Storage
System – DOSS for on-going managed storage.
physical Holding for a Bibliographic record item may contain
one or more digital media carriers as items within the Holding record.
Each of those individual digital carrier items will become a 'Part'
within the Digital Holding. Each of these digital media carriers can of
course contain many digital files.
Preservation Workbench Jobs
Each Job within the DPW
system is associated
to one
Bibliographic collection item record.
Where the record also has holdings of
digital material each
job is also associated to the appropriate Holdings record. If there are
multiple physical holdings for a bibliographic collection item, then a
different Job will need to be created to associate each additional
Holdings of digital material with the same Bibliographic collection
item record.
Job (Digital Holding) = 1 Bibliographic record item + 1 Holdings record
Job can have many Parts which could include multiple media items
contained within 1 Holdings record
For more
information on what you can do in this version and what is planned for
future versions please see the About